In 1860, when uncharted territories still exist on the globe, scientist Arthur Denison and his young son, Will, embark on a voyage of exploration. In the middle of the ocean, a terrible storm wrecks their ship and they find themselves washed up on a mysterious island called Dinotopia, where humans and dinosaurs have coexisted for thousands of years.
In his illustrated journal, Professor Denison records the architecture, biology, and social life of this unknown island in meticulous detail. He describes hatcheries where humans care for baby dinosaurs, armored caravans which venture into the realm of the T. rex, and a select group of pilots who fly aboard the gigantic pterosaurs.
“Jim Gurney creates living, breathing dinosaurs in the best tradition of paleontology: rich imagination tempered with anatomy and analogy. Art and science are joined together in an adventure worthy of the likes of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Lost World."
—Dr. David B. Weishampel, Ph.D. The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
HarperCollins Publishers, 1988, Softbound, 160 pages, 10 x 10.5 inches. Signed by the author/illustrator.